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PPM-128 Community Consultation Survey

The Greater Essex County District School Board is conducting a survey to gather opinions on the use of cell phones and mobile devices in schools from all members of the school community, including students, parents, staff, and the public. This initiative is in response to the Ministry of Education's recent adjustments to the Provincial Code of Conduct, effective from September 1st, 2024, as detailed in Policy/Program Memorandum (PPM) 128. These adjustments include new anti-vaping measures, limits on the use of personal mobile devices during class, and restricted access to social media on school networks. Your input is crucial for shaping the Administrative Procedure on Cell Phone/Mobile Device Use in Schools and for revising the GECDSB Code of Conduct and associated policies to align with PPM 128.

Please consider participating in our online survey to share your feedback. Participation is voluntary, and you can choose how many questions to answer. Your responses will be anonymous and will help us understand community perspectives on these important issues.

Question 1:  

School Board Policy on Enforcement of Restrictions to Student Personal Mobile Device Use 

School boards must develop a local policy setting out how they will enforce the restrictions on student use of personal mobile devices at school. The policy must comply with the board’s obligations under the Education Act and other relevant provincial policy and legislation. The policy must, at minimum, align with the following direction provided in this memorandum: 

  • all members of the school community must not use personal mobile devices, including smartwatches, tablets, and laptops during instructional time except under the following circumstances:
  • for educational purposes, as directed by an educator
  • for health and medical purposes
  • to support special education needs

At minimum the local policy must require that for grades 7 to 12 students’ personal mobile devices are stored out of view and powered off or set to silent mode during instructional time, except when their use is explicitly permitted by the educator under the circumstances outlined above. 

For students in grade 6 and below, at minimum the local policy must require that students’ personal mobile devices are stored out of view and powered off or set to silent mode through out the full instructional day, except when their use is explicitly permitted by the educator under the circumstances outlined above. 

The student is responsible for their personal mobile device, how they use it and the consequences of not following the school board’s policy on personal mobile device use. 

If the student does not hand in their personal mobile device when required, they must be sent to the Principal’s office. Principals have discretion under PPM No. 145, Progressive discipline and promoting positive student behaviour, to consider a range of responses to address this behaviour including suspension.  

Would you like to provide feedback or a comment on School Board Policy on Enforcement of Restrictions to Student Personal Mobile Device Use?

Question 2:  

Enforcement Relating to Alcohol, Tobacco, Electronic Cigarettes, Recreational Cannabis and Related Products and Illegal Drugs 

School board local codes of conduct must set out enforcement mechanisms to address the possession, use and provision of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, nicotine products, recreational cannabis, alcohol and illegal drugs. The enforcement must comply with the board’s obligations under the Education Act and other applicable legislation and provincial policies, including  PPM 145 Progressive discipline and promoting positive student behaviour

Boards must also follow the direction in Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol regarding mandatory and discretionary notification of incidents to the police. 

School board codes of conduct must also remind the school community that: 

  • The Smoke-Free Ontario Act,2017 prohibits smoking (tobacco and cannabis) and the use of electronic cigarettes (vaping) at schools, on school grounds, and all public areas within 20 metres of these grounds. Anyone smoking or vaping on school property is guilty of an offence and if convicted may result in a fine under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act,
  • The Smoke-Free Ontario Act,2017 also prohibits the sale and supply of tobacco or e-cigarettes to anyone under 19 years of age. Anyone who sells or supplies tobacco or an e-cigarette to a student under 19 years of age is guilty of an offence and if convicted may result in a fine under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act,

At minimum, in the case of these substances being found in the possession of students, parents must be notified, and the student must surrender the item(s) to the educator or administrator. As per PPM 145, it is expected that students involved in these incidents would receive support to learn from inappropriate behaviours and make choices that support continuing their learning. 

Would you like to provide feedback or a comment on Enforcement Relating to Alcohol, Tobacco, Electronic Cigarettes, Recreational Cannabis and Related Products and Illegal Drugs?

Question 3:  

Restricting Access to Social Media on School Networks 

School boards are required to restrict access to all social media platforms on school networks and school devices. 

Social media platforms can only be used by students at school for educational purposes, directed by an educator. School boards can determine exception protocols for the use of social media for pedagogical or work-related purposes. 

Would you like to provide feedback or a comment on Restricting Access to Social Media on School Networks?