Individuals or groups requesting to make a delegation to a Committee of the Greater Essex County District School Board (“GECDSB”) are required to:
Completed Delegation Request Forms must be received in accordance with timelines stated in the Bylaws on Delegations no later than 48 hours prior to the commencement of a Standing Committee meeting. Delegation Request Forms may be submitted on line or delivered in person or mailed to the GECDSB Director's Office, 451 Park Street West, P.O. Box 210, Windsor, ON N9A 6K1.
There are certain topics that are not permitted. For further details refer to Section 6.3.4 of the Bylaws.
Delegations and Committee members will ensure that their remarks are respectful and professional, and will take direction from the Committee Chair during the meeting. Offensive language or negative personal references regarding any individual will be ruled out of order by the Committee Chair. All Delegations are advised to review and abide by the provisions in Board Policy and Regulation: Human Rights.
Delegations should be aware that audio-visual recordings of the proceedings at all Board Standing and Committee of the Whole meetings held in Open Session are live streamed and posted on the Board's website for public access. The name of the Delegation, their presentation, any written submission(s) and related discussion form part of the Board's official public record of the meeting. In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, personal contact information provided on the Delegation Request Form will not form part of the public record.
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